Paul's Austin Adventure!

Monday, December 06, 2004

Finals week, Round 9, FIGHT!

This is my 9th finals week of my college carreer. My last one in Atlanta, ever, hopefully.

I'm proud to say that so far, I am completely unstressed this week. Might have something to do with my easy schedule.

Interesting thing happened in my engines class the other day. I actually witnessed two people getting thrown out of class for talking. Only then did I realize I hadn't seen that since high school. You would think by the time you're taking a 4000-level class, people would have grown up. Its their loss though...

MONEY: Consider this: An out of state student like myself pays $8325 a semester (Up from $5015 my freshman year, another story in itself) for tuition itself, before financial aid. With an average courseload of 14 hours a week, times 15 weeks of classes, it costs you $40 for every class you go to ($8 a class for you in-state lottery children).

Think about that for a second. Is skipping class worth $40? This is why I get really mad when I get stuck with a lousy professor, because I'm paying that schmuck $40 to put me to sleep. The sad part is this is one of the best educations in the country...

Yeah, feel bad about skipping those classes now don't you? I know I do.

SOCIAL: I was completely worthless this weekend, outside of DJing a lousy event in Athens at the University (sic) of Georgia. I swear, I had the most boring people in athens at my party. The funny thing about this bar is that it was right across the street from the Athens police station. Yet, I saw many underage people sneaking in. I am convinced that if you have a plastic card with a picture on it, even if it's your Nickelodeon Kids Club card, they'll let you into bars in Athens.

Not to mention everyone dresses the same over there, it's disturbing. Four guys came in with dates, and they were all identical. The white button up with blue picnic-cloth pattern, hemp necklace, cargo khaki's, and same short cut hair. The shitty part about the event was that I had to drive back that same night to get the equipment back. That was scary. There's a certain point in sleep deprivation that caffiene stops helping, and I was well past that point.

MOVIES: The rest of the weekend I sat around being useless watching movies. The movie to see, when you get time, is Napolean Dynomite. It's a silly movie, but the characters are phenomenal, and extremely quotable. I expect those lines to start flying around the fraternity house any day now...

Also saw Team America: World Police, the puppet love-fest action flick by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. While it lacked the edginess of South Park, it was pretty good. I wouldn't put it at the top of my list, but the jingle "America... FUCK YEAH!" does stick in your head pretty well. It was effective at making fun of both liberals and conservatives (if those terms even have any meaning anymore).

TV: Arrested Development is by far my favorite show on TV right now. It's hilarious. And not in the "Jackass" or "Generic Ben Stiller Movie" type of hilarious, but a truly witty, intelligent hilarious. They brought back Sitcoms to their true meaning, having funny situations. (Factoid: "Sitcom" stands for Situation Comedy).


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