Paul's Austin Adventure!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Hot diggity!

Confession: I love hot sauce. I don't know why. From what I've read, it fools your mouth into thinking it's been burned, and releases endorphins into your brain (the same things that get produced during sex, jumping out of airplanes, and pop quizzes). Really, It goes good on everything, including pizza, lasagna, Chik-Fil-A sandwiches, and more. If you don't like it, just start off in little bits, it'll grow on you.

I even had hot ice cream at Jake's Ice Cream, the best damn ice cream place in Atlanta. They make this ice cream called "Mexican Hot Chocolate" which is their badass chocolate ice cream seasoned with cayenne pepper. Don't knock it until you've tried it. At least get a taste of it next time you're there.

While Tabasco is an a-list hot sauce, but nothing beats Qdoba's hot (and extra-hot) sauces.

Confession #2: I love Qdoba. Anyone who has spent any time with me in the last 3 years knows this. For the uninitiated, Qdoba makes the best 1200-calorie two-handed foil-wrapped meat-packed monster burrito on the planet.

Willy's is a close second, but the other chains are simply inferior. I definitely drag my friends there way too often, upwards of 4-5 times a week. It never gets old. We used to go out and visted "Q-dobz" (as I call it now) in its location that was 30 minutes from Tech, but freshman year they opened a store close to campus.

So one day, my buddy David Z accompanied me down to the new Q-Dobz for a soon-to-be daily visit, to find the owner there working the counter. After some chatting, the fraternity came up, and next thing I knew we had 40 free burritos for the guys for dinner the next week. That was one of the times I ate two of these artery assasins in one sitting. At dinner that night, we engineers figured out a plan to install one of those tubes like they have at the bank directly from the house to QDoba, so we can phone in orders and have burritos arrive, *shoonk!* at the house in mere seconds.

Sports: A shout out to our basketball team who finally gave UGA the ass-whoopin' they needed. This was the biggest smackdown point wise we've ever laid on them since we started playing them. Good job guys. 7-0, keep it up. I gotta figure out how to get GT games in Australia.

Joke of the day: Did you hear they cancelled Christmas in Athens (at UGA)? They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin.


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