If I could make this face, I'm fairly certain I could have everything in life for free or at least discount prices. Shrek 2 was a quality flick, I recommend you go see it if you haven't. For once, it's a sequel that didn't completely suck and actually added something fresh to the plot.
Word of the month: "Chrismahanukwanzikah". Seems that Virgin mobile coined the term, in the context of "Merry Chrismahanukwanzikah everyone!". I like it, it's edgy and pokes the fun at the political correctness trend of recent years. I still have yet to meet someone who celebrates Kwanzaa. This really is the red-headed stepchild of the winter holidays. Goes to show though that anyone can make a holiday if you just put some effort into it. It's only been around since 1966, whereas any real holiday has been around for 1000+ years. Maybe people looked at Christmas and Hanukah like this in 300 AD, but they've paid their dues! In protest, I will be starting Paulikahmas, which will be celebrated on my half birthday in November so it's a winter holiday. Don't forget to do your Paulikahmas shopping!
Best. Website. Ever: Wikipedia Seriously, this site is everything that's right about the internet. Anyone can write articles, and it's peer-reviewed. It has so much information, on so much random crap, it is simply astonishing. For killing time in a productive manner, you can't beat it. One of the unique things is the good coverage of pop culture in it. I'm especially fond of the "Random Page" feature.
Wikipedia Article of the Day: Barbeque. Everything you didn't know you wish you knew about barbeque. For instance, the BBQ sauce from my hometown is known as "Columbia Gold". Fascinating!
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