Beanie day
COLD AS HELL: Talking about the weather is boring. But it's cold. Real cold. Time for the beanie. Most people have one. The thing about beanies is, once you put them on, you can't take them off. You wear them all day, no matter how warm the room you happen to be in. You can't take them off because your hair looks like a dead animal crawled and nested neatly on your head. A crew cut would remedy this, but would almost guarantee hypothermia in the winter.
See, South Carolina simply isn't designed for this cold. We're used to the hot, so-humid-you-can-swim-in-it type weather. Down here, when it gets cold out, no one expects it. I know the scene is the same at everyone's house. You wake up in the morning, step outside to get the paper, and the expression of pure shock, "how the hell did it get like this?!" as the arctic blast slams you right in your inner thighs, 'cause you're standing there in your underwear none the wiser.
And this will repeat for about the first two weeks of cold weather until we finally realize, oh, it just might be cold outside. Southerners live in this denial. You'll see the occasional schmuck wandering around in shorts and a t-shirt, shivering like a chihuahua not because he's a badass, but because he, like everyone else that morning, forgot it was cold out, but was running late that day and didn't have time to find his one set of warm clothes which is buried in the back in his closet.
Come to think of it, I saw the same thing at Georgia Tech pretty frequently, except replace "southerner" with "computer science major" and note that the warm clothes were located next to a box of unused condoms in the back of said closet.
MOVIES: Saw Sideways tonight. A sign of a good movie is when it starts, you see the "Fox Searchlight Movies" logo or some other indication that it's an independent film bought by the major studios after it was done. It usually means it's a fresh script, different actors and directors, and generally something that will be more enjoyable. This was true for this movie. We went and saw it blind (I had forgotten what it was about), and luckily I wasn't dissapointed. Not an action movie or anything extreme, but it has its funny moments and its a good story. Recommended, makes a good chick flick.
JOTD: (Okay, more of Expression of the Day): "He's so far back in the closet, he's in Narnia!"
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